Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Reminded by a part of book from Laura Ingalls Wilder with a title 'On the Banks of Plum Creek', I bought many types of plums in one summer. Laura and Mary had to pick the plums along Plum Creek, while I just went to Swansea Market in Perth to pick them.

In that book, it said 'There were many kinds of plums. When the red ones were all picked, the yellow ones were ripe. Then the blue ones. The largest of all were the very last. They were the frost plums, that would not ripen until after frost.'

'That day the frost plums were ripe. They were large, purple plums and all over their purple was a silvery thin sheen like frost'.

That summer I was lucky to collect all kinds of plums. Green plums were sweet and crunchy. Blood plums were a bit watery. Red and purple plums were quite sweet, too.

Prune was my favorite. This might be called the 'frost plums' in Laura's book. It has a thick flesh, sugary and nice aroma.


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