Thursday, December 27, 2012

Imported Books

Feel a little bit sad because I couldn't get any access to a world-class library such as at Curtin University anymore, I decided to start collecting high quality books on my own.

In the past, I used to borrow more than 20 books and DVDs from Curtin U library twice a month. Once I've borrowed over 100 items. I felt so rich to see those collection in my study benches for another few months. I borrowed everything, ranging from scientific to self-help books, even those Donna Hay's famous cookbooks! I really grateful to find the book, so I could finally bake my favorite 'Madeira Cake'.

Since I have got to buy my own imported books now, I think it is handy to get them from imported bookstore at the airport. To be honest, I prefer to read more imported books than translated books from local bookshops. It makes more sense, since it is delivered in its own native language. Instead of helping me to enrich my vocabs, brushing my sense, it is more enjoyable to read something in English. A book is more understandable when it was written in its original language

It is also a great pleasure to search for a book that is not easy to find of. For example, I've been wandering around some airports to get the English version of 'The Geography of Bliss' by Eric Weiner in the last few months. I never stop to ask the shopkeeper about the book. I guess it is a kind of challenge for me, because you'll never know when and where you gonna get your favorite book! This could makes the whole trip feels great.

I know it is not a cheap project, such as to collect all my favorite imported books through any bookstore in the airport. However, by buying things in increments for something you could enjoy in a longer time, shouldn't make any fuss, especially when I feel more energized, positive, and inspired after reading them. All I have to do is to buy 2-3 books and finish them before another trip to the airport!


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Simple Stuffed Tofu (Tahu Isi)

I remember vividly about this 'tahu isi' and always happy to eat it. 

I've found this cheap meal more than 20 years ago at bakso vendor in Pekanbaru. Since we didn't have time to eat bakso (meat ball) at our tutorial break, we opted for this snack. 

I considered it light and healthy. However, we need to be careful when we bite it, because we don't want to have a 'condiment smile', when the soy sauce is smothered all across our mouth. 

So, the simple meal consists of deep fried tofu, celery, onion paste (made from crushed onion, garlic and a bit of salt, then stir fried the mix), yellow noodle, and soya sauce. We could add chili sauce for hot taste.

This is how to arrange the stuffed tofu:

a) Cut tofu in the middle, but leave one side uncut

b) Spread the onion paste on the tofu (up and down side)

c) Put some celery (two celery leaves is tasty enough)

d) Squeeze some noodle to form it like a ball, put the noodle in the middle of tofu

e) Add some soya sauce (not too much) and chili, if you like

f) Grab the stuffed tofu with two hands and start to eat it.

Enjoy your stuffed tofu.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Secret Pond

Wood ducks
When I need a break from work nowadays, I'm dreaming of my secret sanctuary, a small pond in front of Curtin University campus, Bentley. I used to get walk around it after a hard and long writing session. That walk is just to clear my mind and to observe many beautiful creatures in the surrounding pond.

We did not know exactly when the pond exists. It was like a dream. There was no water during harsh summer days. Soil get crack and dirty water could be seen at the bottom of shallow pond. After a very wet winter came and poured lots of water from the sky almost everyday, suddenly we could see the water filled the pond. Suddenly, life has a new meaning to the small lake.

Few years ago, when I visited it for a first time, the trees were blooming with their yellow flowers. Wild spring flowers made a virtual flower fence at the edge of the pond. Groups of water lilies also filled the pond with their yellow flowers. Green water grass grew on one side of the pond. And the best thing was, the wetland birds, swamphen, and ducks came to live with their groups at the pond.

Spring flowers
Although it was only small pond, I always come to visit the pond every spring. However, it was hard to see the flowers and waterlilies again lately. The ducks were still came to live at the pond. Luckily, I spotted Wood ducks with its six small ducks swam to a safe place to avoid me. 

The purple swamphen was still single and looked stiff. It didn’t fly or run when I approached it to say hello. It was busy to find bugs in the shallow water. 
But those two cheeky white-faced divers (Australian Coot) scared me to death with their loud trumpeting calls. 

The campus was beautifully reflected on the pond's surface at the daylight.

What a beautiful small pond that gives a peace and serenity to my soul.
Curtin University Campus



Monday, December 10, 2012

Solo Traveller

Stage menjadi seorang solois dalam bertualang baru saja kumulai. Hubby dan keluarga tidak ada yang dapat menemani. Negeri bagian di Malaysia yang ramah kepada turis, yaitu Penang, menjadi destinasi pertamaku pada November 2012 lalu.

Bertualang sendiri bisa menimbulkan kegamangan. Khawatir tersesat tanpa teman, masalah keamanan saat jalan sendiri, atau tak dapat berbagi kebingungan menjadi alasan-alasan tipikal yang menghambat diri sendiri. Untuk mengatasinya, ada beberapa kiat yang ingin kubagi.

Pertama, pilih penerbangan yang tiba di tempat tujuan saat matahari masih terang atau di bawah pukul 7 malam saat musim panas. Aku sangat menghindari ketibaan saat gelap menjelang di sebuah tempat, kecuali ada jemputan khusus. Saat bepergian ke Penang lalu, aku memilih menginap di hotel dekat bandara dan melanjutkan perjalanan keesokan harinya, ketimbang naik taksi atau bus malam-malam ke hotel di tempat tujuan. Kurang aman bagi wanita yang berjalan sendirian.

Kedua, kita bisa memilih hotel yang menawarkan transportasi ulang-alik dari hotel ke bandara. Jika tidak ada atau terlalu mahal, airport shuttle sewaan (misalnya dari dapat menjadi alternatif. Untuk pilihan yang lebih murah, sewaktu di Kuala Lumpur dan Melbourne, kami menggunakan Skybus  (,

Ketiga, saat berkeliling, gunakan transportasi umum di tempat yang memiliki ‘public transport’ bagus, dan gunakan taksi di tempat dengan ‘public transport’ kurang meyakinkan. Sewaktu di Penang, aku memilih naik bus kemana-mana karena lebih nyaman dan selalu ramai penumpang. Tetapi, saat di Shanghai, hubby dan aku lebih sering menggunakan taksi karena murah dan tidak terlalu ramai di dalamnya.

Keempat, pilih hotel yang direkomendasikan oleh situs pemesanan kamar hotel seperti dan Untuk memilih hotel, aku selalu mulai dengan lokasi, harga, bintang, lalu diseleksi berdasarkan rating rekomendasi (kebersihan, keamanan dan kenyamanan). Pemesanan memang dilakukan dengan kartu kredit, tetapi aku memilih ‘cash’ untuk pembayaran langsung.

Kelima, sebelum memilih hotel, pastikan kita mengetahui lokasinya dengan tepat. Karena bepergian sendiri, aku memilih hotel yang dekat dengan halte bus atau tempat perhentian taksi, dan tempat makan. Gunakan google map untuk mengukur jarak ( antara hotel dengan tempat-tempat wisata menarik lainnya. Pilih yang mudah dicapai dengan moda transportasi publik.

Keenam, periksa tempat-tempat wisata menarik yang disukai. Aku selalu menyukai taman, kebun, museum dan kampus, sehingga wisata ke kota tua atau pantai tidak terlalu berkesan bagiku. Aku selalu menjadikan tempat tersebut prioritas utama. Kalau waktu memungkinkan, sebenarnya kita dapat mengunjungi tempat-tempat wisata sebanyak-banyaknya. Tetapi pikirkan ‘kualitas’ ketimbang ‘kuantitas’. Karena perjalanan yang berusaha menikmati suasana akan lebih ‘sustainable’ dan berkesan, dibandingkan perjalanan tergesa-gesa untuk mengunjungi semua tempat wisata tapi tak memiliki kesan apapun tentangnya.

Ketujuh, simpan semua informasi dalam bentuk pdf dalam tablet, ipod atau handphone. Informasi berupa lokasi hotel, tempat wisata, rute kendaraan umum, biaya-biaya, tempat makan berupa peta-peta google map sangat ‘handy’ dalam situasi tanpa internet. Sebagai tambahan, aku sering memasukkan informasi singkat dari Wikipedia untuk membantuku memahami sebuah tempat wisata.

Kedelapan, bawa barang secukupnya. Bepergian sendiri membuatku belajar untuk ‘traveling lightly’, karena tidak ada yang akan membantu mengangkat koper. Aku tega meninggalkan barang-barang gratis seperti tas konferensi yang kunilai menambah beban baru. Pakaian dapat dicuci sendiri di wastafel kamar hotel, lalu dibiarkan sebentar di kamar mandi sehingga tidak ada air menetes dari cucian. Sebelum tidur, letakkan pakaian di tempat yang terkena angin AC. Dijamin esoknya akan kering dan wangi, siap disetrika, dengan setrika travelku.

Kesembilan, enjoy tiap moment, jangan menggerutu dan jangan panik kalau ada hal-hal di luar dugaan yang terjadi. Tetap nikmati suasana dengan santai dan bertanya pada petugas keamanan, supir bus, penjaga toko, etc, yang kita temui di tempat tersebut untuk mendapatkan informasi. Bukankah kita sendiri yang ingin bepergian, jadi tak perlu menambah kerisauan dan kekesalan dalam diri dalam sisa perjalanan kita.

Enjoy your travel!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


On my last trip to Penang, I tried a very famous Moslem Indian's rojak called Pasembur. 

There were so many dishes that we could add to our plate, such as prawn fritters, sausages, cuttle fish, fish balls, tofu, fried lungs and fried prawn. I've been overwhelmed by so many choices. 

Besides, I couldn't figure how it taste when we mix them altogether. Also, what sort of sauce that would be fit for all dishes.  
When the plate has finally come to our table, I was excited. 

A thick orange nutty sauce was served over the ingredients. Chopped cucumber, turnips and bean sprouts were spread on the plate. It looks appealing. I can't wait to taste!

So, the sauce was quite sweet but surprisingly, it was well-blended with the crispy dishes. 

Along with crunchy bites from prawn fritters, fried prawn and vegetables, pasembur gave a different sensation to a traditional rojak. 

Few minutes later, two of us finished the pasembur. It was a light meal and considerably exotic.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Free Herb Garden

Free, is what a lovely thing to offer when you stay in one place.  

 When we stay in youth hostels, we are getting used to see several good practices by the management. They teach the visitors to support a green movement by limiting access for hot water, keeping a waste container in the kitchen for worm farm, and even, providing the herb garden.
When we stayed at Baywatch Manor YHA, Augusta, Western Australia, I saw a notice at the kitchen’s wall. It was such a great idea. 

Then I walked to the garden. It is a very small top-deck garden, but so green and full of so many types of herbs. Herbs like thyme, rosemary, celery, and coriander are heaps. They look fresh and grow well. They must be taste incredible.

I wish I could have such a beautiful small garden, too at home. Wouldn’t it be lovely to pick your own grown herbs and vegetables every day? I think I need to start planning now.


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Water Ball

I am collecting water glass balls.


Started with my old London plastic water ball ten years ago, now I’ve been collecting over 12 balls from different countries. It is just interesting to see the miniature inside them, which represent local features and landmarks. When the ball is shaken, all glittering fragments are spreading over the ball to create a nice impression. 

It is not too expensive. You could get a 4cm diameter ball for around $6.00 in any local souvenir shops. It is quite risky to buy something bigger than that. It is not only difficult to put  a big size ball in a cabin luggage, but also cannot be placed on a hand luggage due to water restriction in a plane cabin. 

My favorite one is a ball from New Zealand. It has a little tiny sheep carries the NZ flag. The second favorite ball is from Puerto Rico, Caribbean. It came from a very far away place and my friend brought it as a souvenir for me. The third favorite, is the ball from New York City with heaps of skycrapers and small Liberty statue in it. 

I am waiting for more water balls from various places in the world. Will you send me one, please?


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Sometimes, we’d better not know it

Kelimpungan dengan too much information, apalagi yang tidak menyenangkan? Aku punya resep menarik untuk mengatasi hal itu.


Kadang-kadang ingin tahu semua hal memang sangat bagus. Tetapi kalau ingin tahu semuanya, lama-lama kok pusing juga. Apalagi kalau hal-hal tersebut bukanlah suatu pengetahuan yang membawa pada ketaatan pada Allah, ketenangan jiwa atau kecintaan pada manusia. 

Awalnya aku kerap mengomel atau menganalisis apa yang salah kalau menemukan sebuah kejanggalan. Biasa, dengan alasan untuk diambil hikmahnya atau dicari pelajarannya. Bahkan mungkin untuk ‘membuat diri heran’, hari gini kok masih begitu. Sesekali juga dengan sinis mengkritisi perbuatan kelewat batas yang tak dapat dinalar dengan akal dan perasaan orang normal.

Akan tetapi, mungkin sudah ‘nature’nya, sebuah informasi akan menyeret kita pada informasi lainnya. Persis dalam pemetaan. Info tersebut akan saling berkaitan dan membawa info baru kelanjutannya. Kelanjutannya itu yang sering membuat kita tidak rasional, malah seperti tim pencari fakta gossip atau paparazzi.

And then, aku give up.

Apalagi setelah banyak mendengar tapi tak berdaya untuk menghentikannya. Apalagi setelah informasi tersebut lebih banyak mengguncang jiwa dan tidak bermanfaat pada ketenangan jiwa. Berbuat sesuatu untuk mengingatkanpun dihadapkan pada sikap defensif orang yang bersangkutan. Jiwa yang tadinya segar, semangat dan penuh kesyukuran, perlahan-lahan gerah bak tumpukan jerami basah berasap. Tersekap asap karena tak dapat terbakar dengan sempurna.

Aku lalu belajar mengabaikannya.

Mengabaikan hal-hal yang di luar lingkup pekerjaan wajib, minat pribadi dan berhubungan dengan ketaatan pada Allah.

Setiap aku lalai dan ingin mencampuri atau mengatakan sesuatu, aku berkata dahulu dalam hati, “It’s not my business” atau “Sepertinya bukan urusanku”, etc.

Meski sering menemukan orang menyampaikan hal tersebut dan ingin menganalisanya denganku, kini aku belajar untuk menggeser perhatian mereka pada hal-hal lain. Kadang-kadang mereka juga perlu diingatkan akan urgensinya membicarakan masalah orang lain. Jangan sampai orang yang dibicarakan merasa sedih dan tidak dihormati saat kita mendiskusikan masalahnya tanpa seizin mereka.

Kedamaian hanya diperoleh dengan sikap selektif dalam memilih informasi dan mengabaikan hal-hal yang tidak signifikan untuk diurus.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Close to ADT

Berminggu-minggu blog ini tak dapat diupdate. Aku mengalami overload dalam bekerja. Detailnya tidak perlu diceritakan. Tetapi kondisi ini sungguh terbalik dengan tahun lalu, saat aku masih bisa mengontrol pekerjaan dan waktunya. Aku tidak ingin kembali ke situasi ini lagi. Waktu dan energi harus bisa diatur supaya tidak membebani fisik dan emosi.

Ada sebuah norma tak tertulis di organisasi tempat kerjaku yang baru saja kuketahui.

‘Berikan pekerjaan pada orang yang sibuk, karena pasti selesai’.

Meski terdengar konyol, tetapi norma itu memang dilaksanakan.

Buktinya, semakin sibuk seseorang, malah ia yang terus-menerus kebanjiran tawaran mengelola, masuk tim pelaksana, pengawas atau penguji.

Pendeknya, situasinya yang super sibuk malah dijadikan jaminan mutu bahwa ia kredibel dan yang penting, bisa menyelesaikan pekerjaan.

“Apa karena ia selalu beredar?”

Secara visual, apa yang sering kelihatan dan berhasil baik, sangat terekomendasi. Dari sudut pandang itu, aku setuju. Dari sudut pandang lain, mereka lupa bahwa kepuasan kerja tidak melulu dari kuantitas hasil yang diperoleh, tetapi cepat atau lambat, bagi seorang pembelajar, kualitas perlu ditingkatkan.

Seorang pekerja yang memiliki beban kerja berlebih sangat rentan pada Attention Deficit Trait (ADT). Kelebihan beban kerja dan beban pikiran berlebihan dapat mengganggu kinerja, keteraturan, prioritas dan manajemen waktu. Orang-orang yang mengalami ADT akan sulit fokus, tidak sabar dan tidak tenang. Jadi tidak heran kalau kita sering menemukan atasan yang gampang panik, emosi dan punya pendapat tidak masuk akal. He/she might suffer ADT!

‘So, how to overcome this?’

Uniknya cara mengatasi ADT sangat sederhana. Pertama, kita harus sering berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Kumpul-kumpul dengan orang yang kita sukai, mendukung dan sangat menghibur emosi. Membiarkan mereka menceritakan kisah-kisah lucu atau memberikan dorongan empati dapat meningkatkan sisi humanis kita dengan cepat. ADTpun menguap dengan cepat.

Kedua, lakukan pekerjaan paling penting dan menguras otak pada saat kita merasa paling bersemangat. Jika otak terasa paling cepat prosesnya setelah bangun tidur, maka lakukan pekerjaan sulit tersebut. Saat lelah, istirahat lagi, dan lakukan kembali sewaktu kita merasa segar. Demikianlah berulang-ulang hingga pekerjaan tak terasa telah selesai. Meski cara ini memakan waktu yang lama, tetapi semua pekerjaan dapat diselesaikan satu-persatu dengan baik. 

Soal norma tak tertulis itu, aku belajar satu hal lagi. 

'Tidak selamanya orang yang selalu beredar dan menyelesaikan semua pekerjaan akan berakhir dengan baik.'

Dalam jangka panjang, mereka akan keletihan dan akhirnya menolak semua pekerjaan, atau bahkan keluar dari organisasi tersebut. Tentunya ini merupakan sebuah kerugian besar bagi kedua belah pihak.

Seorang atasan harus belajar untuk mengatasi ADT massal pada bawahan dengan berbagai cara. Selain menciptakan atmosfir positif dalam bekerja, atasan juga dapat mendelegasikan tugas sesuai dengan kualifikasi kognitif dan emosional bawahan. Seseorang yang suka menganalisis dengan komputer, jangan diberi tugas lapangan mewawancarai orang. Sedangkan orang yang luwes bergaul bisa dikirim untuk pertemuan atau negosiasi dengan klien.

When I had to overcome my own ADT.
Source: Overload Circuits, HBR’s 10 Must Read.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A lonely feeling

It is about a time when you're feeling lonely. 
Sometimes you feel that you don't belong to anything. 
You're in there, stand with your own ground, cannot digest the facts surrounding you. 
You want to speak about the right thing, but you cannot because people think you are too fussy. 
You want to express your worry about the wrong thing, but people think you are exaggerating. 
No one understands you. 
After a while, you start feeling... lonely.

Lake Monger, Perth

For a loner, it's okay for me to feel lonely for a long time.
I used to have my own sanctuaries. 
Stack of books, studio ghibli movies, botanical garden full of flowers, grassland and their miniscule lives, are my favorite things to escape. 
I could do or stay there as long as I want until I forget that I was lonely.


Sunday, October 21, 2012


This purple flower tree will be blooming on October-November each year in Perth. 
You are not sure when it comes. Just one day when you wake up, then you could see all purple flowers bloom. It is such a nice view, like this one from our apartment window. 

For me, Jacaranda is just a reminder that Spring time is over. 
Summer will come soon after the purple flowers starts falling to the ground. 
When the weather is getting warmer, green leaves cover the trees
I could remember very well about my feelings towards that stage. 
Coz, I have to get myself sit in the office during those hot summer days. While others could have their holiday, I'd still got to working hard on my thesis ....


Sunday, October 14, 2012

A special old chair

On my last visit to gran's house, I've found this chair. 
Sit under an arch pergola, I recognized its shape. 
The chair was taken from her previous house. 
Its frame is light metal. Its backrest was created by winding plastic around the frame. 
The seat was made from the same winding plastic, too.  
But now it changed by a piece of wood.

The chair was kind of special for me. 
I used to like the feeling when I lay my back on that chair. 
The winding plastic created such a support that is comfortable for one's back. 
And the seat, of course. 
You gonna feel like you were sinking into something when you seat in there. 
Not sure if the winding plastic could hold your weight. 
That's another thing that made someone's heart pounding.
What a special old chair. 


Thursday, October 11, 2012

A beautiful rural house

We were quite lost near Lake Hawea, South Island, nz, at that time. 
After a while, I saw this two storey house. 
I stunned. 
The house looks small, but in my opinion, is beautiful. 
The wall is dark green and contrast to white window's frame. 
The house facade consists of a short precast concrete wall.
Big windows allow more light and fresh air from the lake. 
Take a look at a silver column beside the house. 
It is a modern chimney, looks simple and practical.

I like the porch. 
The white flower bushes act as a natural palisade to the front yard. 
It creates a room to put a set of turquoise chair. 
It is a great place to meet visitors or just to sit and relax to enjoy the view of Lake Hawea.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Street Hawker

In one early Sunday morning in Shanghai, 
me and hubby were on our way to People's Place downtown. 
He decided to take a bus from Tongji University to go there, so we had to walk to the nearest bus stop. 
When we passed the road, the lady smiled at me. 
She offered us to buy mie goreng or anything else. 
I just smiled back at her and waved my hand. 
We didn't want to buy her mie/kwetiau. 
She understood.

I interested in their carts. In Shanghai, they use an open wide cart. 
It is practical to outspread the items/merchandise on the cart. 
They can provide more items and choice for the customers. 
Also, the lady could reach the whole ingredients when she cooks the mie goreng. And the this hawker could show variety of fruits straight from his cart. It looks appealing.


Saturday, October 6, 2012


Reading is my favorite activity while waiting. I like non-fiction, such as motivational, psychology and finance books. I just can enjoy the fiction books when I am at home. That's my exquisite indulgence.

Reading books while waiting in public is getting rare here. People prefer to work on their gadget or doing BBM. They can't stand any minutes to read books in public. In contrast, Western people read a book without time and place limitation. As avid readers, they usually have a stack of books in their bags.

Strangely, I read a lot when I am in public, especially in waiting areas or public transportation. I couldn't get the same spirit when I read the non-fiction books alone at home. It always end up with a blur vision and a loud snoring, without having a chance to finish even a chapter!  While in public, I could finish a chapter or a book without hesitation. I guess, the crowd and the surrounding environment are helping me to awake and stay still to finish the books. 

So I know now, if I want to read a difficult standard method for testing, I have to go outside, sit in public and enjoy it!

Although e-book readers are handy, I still prefer reading a printed book. There is a different sensation when I hold the book, read the lines, turn the pages or even smell the new book's scent, rather than read the words only from a screen. 

Happy reading,


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sticky Fried Rice Ball

On our way to My Tho, Mekong Delta river, from Ho Chi Minh City, the bus has stopped at a nice big restaurant. 
Other delegates took the chance to had their breakfast or bought some snacks. 
Me and hubby just went around to take pictures of garden landscape. 
Suddenly, my eyes caught this brown air filled ball in one corner. 
I was so curious. What's that?

Glutinous rice ball
Fortunately, there was a demonstration of preparing this huge ball. 
So I could stay there for a while to record the whole cooking process.  
It was quite suspense. I was so worry the ball explode unexpectedly. 
You could see the making of it on

FYI, the biggest sticky rice ball was made for a world record in 2009 with a diameter of 60cm and height 45cm. 
The ball can be served with roasted chicken or fried fish. 
Of course, you need to beat it up down and cut it up to eat the ball. 


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Food Container

Food is compulsory in every journey. 
However, a trip to Antartic must have a different story. 
Foodies are difficult to find every time we want them in the land of ice.
No local groceries stores or market to supply our needs. 

Antartic International Centre, Christchurch, nz

This typical food container was brought by early travelers to Antartic. 
Most of the food were canned, dried and preserved. 
Fresh vegies or fruits were rarely last longer than weeks. 
All necessary things must not missed, even the toilet roll papers! 
I guess they packed the container for weekly usage. 
It wass practical and well thought, to ensure that they had adequate supply during their stay in the freezing continent.

Happy trip to Antartic~


Sunday, September 30, 2012


Centrosema or butterfly-pea is a wild legume from tropical America. 
It is a climber or climbing plants or vines. 
The plant grows by twining their stems around a support. 
Uniquely shaped purple flowers appear along the contrast green leaves. 
It is a treasure in a wild bush.


After a while passing the purple butterfly vines near the street, I eventually stopped to take their photos. 
It looks familiar and my guess was right.
The butterfly pea has a close relative calls the blue-pea or 
Clitoria ternatea or kembang telang. 
My father in law used to wash his eyes using rinse water made from kembang telang. 
Kembang telang has been domesticated and used as decorative plants.

Kembang telang
