Thursday, December 20, 2012

Simple Stuffed Tofu (Tahu Isi)

I remember vividly about this 'tahu isi' and always happy to eat it. 

I've found this cheap meal more than 20 years ago at bakso vendor in Pekanbaru. Since we didn't have time to eat bakso (meat ball) at our tutorial break, we opted for this snack. 

I considered it light and healthy. However, we need to be careful when we bite it, because we don't want to have a 'condiment smile', when the soy sauce is smothered all across our mouth. 

So, the simple meal consists of deep fried tofu, celery, onion paste (made from crushed onion, garlic and a bit of salt, then stir fried the mix), yellow noodle, and soya sauce. We could add chili sauce for hot taste.

This is how to arrange the stuffed tofu:

a) Cut tofu in the middle, but leave one side uncut

b) Spread the onion paste on the tofu (up and down side)

c) Put some celery (two celery leaves is tasty enough)

d) Squeeze some noodle to form it like a ball, put the noodle in the middle of tofu

e) Add some soya sauce (not too much) and chili, if you like

f) Grab the stuffed tofu with two hands and start to eat it.

Enjoy your stuffed tofu.


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