Saturday, March 26, 2016

Career Fatigue

 Initially, I don't know anything about a career fatigue.
However, I've found this topic is real. I think I am experiencing it right now. The reason I wrote this post is to find a solution and to remind myself that after a while, everybody could suffer this career fatigue. 

I remember, I've once experienced this at the end of MSc study (I called it 'a study fatigue). It was awful since I was demotivated  to finish the dissertation. I felt physically and mentally exhausted and started to question my competence and value of the dissertation. Perhaps a very hectic study timetable and difficulty in coping with the stress of passing the exam led me to the burn-out. At that time, supports from friends and family were certainly invaluable.

I started to have a doubt with my competence and value of my work when I faced dysfunctional workplace dynamics. When people feel a lack of control, undermined, undervalued, lack of access to influence some decisions in the workplace or feel isolated because of value mismatch, then they could feel stressful at work. It could lead to some serious diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, insomnia, fatigue, depression, anxiety and vulnerability to illness. We certainly don't want this bad side-effect.

Then, how to overcome this career fatigue?

First, manage the stressor that could contribute to the job fatigue. Try to identify the trigger and make a plan to address the issue. 

Second, evaluate some options. Perhaps there is a need to delegate some works, refuse some additional loads, or change a focus of career. 

Third, adjust the attitude. The key is to do something that we really enjoy during the work. Rediscover enjoyable aspects of our work. Take short breaks and do a fun thing or enjoy new friendships outside our usual circle. 

Fourth, do exercise and have proper sleep. Exercise could help us to focus on something else. Enough sleep could help us to feel refresh and stay healthy.

Fifth, find supports from loyal friends and families. 

Although it is easier to said than done it, but at least, to have a bright, glitter and important career needs some resilience and escape route for stressful things sometimes. Don't just stand up there to face the fatigue, but also find activities to release the harmful negative energy. 


Saturday, March 19, 2016

Road Trip #4: Scenic Sumatera Barat

Agustus 2015

Aku pernah berniat, jika sebuah tugas besar yang sedang dikerjakan selesai, maka aku akan melakukan road trip #4 bersama hubby ke Sumatera Barat. 

So, kami menempuh rute berikut (sekitar 900km dalam 4 hari):
Hari 1: Pekanbaru-Batusangkar-Danau Singkarak-Padang Panjang-Padang
Hari 2: Univ Andalas, Padang
Hari 3: Padang-Pariaman-Lubuk Basung-Danau Maninjau-Ngarai Sianok-Bukittinggi
Hari 4: Bukittinggi-Payakumbuh-Pekanbaru

Pada hari pertama, aku menyempatkan diri belajar menyetir di jalan menikung dan mendaki yang sudah lama ingin kucoba. Setelah itu kami mengunjungi makam pak Ngah tercinta yang baru berpulang setelah Ramadhan. Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi roji'un. Kemudian kami melewati danau Singkarak dan memotret kumpulan air tenang yang memenuhi telaga besar tersebut. Beberapa saat kemudian kami tiba di rumah makan sate mak Syukur, hanya untuk memenuhi keinginanku mencicipi sate Padang terkenal itu. Kami baru tiba di Padang sore hari.

Hari ketiga, kami bertolak dari Padang menuju Pariaman dan melewati pantai landai beberapa kilometer jauhnya. Sempat juga berhenti untuk memotret di bagian pantai yang cukup lengang. Di pasar Pariaman aku sempat beli beberapa buah sala lauk dan keripik khas dengan taburan udang karang kecil di atasnya. Setelah itu kami menelusuri jalan ke Lubuk Basung dan tiba di Danau Maninjau sebelum shalat Jumat. Hubby shalat Jumat di sebuah masjid di dusun Maninjau. Kami menyusuri jalan di tepi danau untuk mencari pemandangan lain. Aku teringat kontur jalan di tepi pantai Batu Feringhi, Penang, yang mirip dengan kontur jalan di tepi Danau Maninjau. Sesekali di kelok 44 kami berhenti untuk menikmati view dan memotret danau. Sebelum memasuki Bukittingi, aku dan hubby berhenti di rest park tempat melihat panorama. Setelah itu kami ke Bukittinggi melewati jalan di Ngarai Sianok yang sangat scenic, lalu ke pasar untuk dinner di dekat jam gadang. 

Hari keempat, aku dan hubby mengunjungi taman Ngarai Maram dan taman di kantor Walikota Bukittinggi. Ternyata ada perpustakaan Bung Hatta di belakang kantor Walikota tersebut. Aku sangat excited, tetapi waktu pasti tidak cukup kalau ingin menikmati isi perpustakaan sang proklamator idolaku itu. So, kami meluncur ke Los Lambuang untuk mencoba nasi kapau dan membeli oleh-oleh di pasar Ateh. What a pretty day di Bukittinggi. Beberapa jam kemudian kami tiba di Pekanbaru. Alhamdulillah.
